17th Note-Romance and Stuff

Image Source: Kusadasirealest.com

So for my 17th note, since it reminds me of sweet 17 (sorry), where mine was not so sweet, I didn't even expect that to actually happen to me. I think I've given up on my romantic story since a long time ago. Like what to expect anyway, I was ugly after all, and on top of that I was this cold ugly. Everybody loves the cold beauty, not the cold ugly.

What am I even talking about? lol

I don't have any particular romantic story to share, since there's nothing to tell. There's no romance or whatsoever (I count off the childhood part since we were still some brats who knew nothing). In my case there were mostly those unrequited love story which were pretty depressing. Seriously, unrequited love should be classified into some kind of disease. It made stupid people become even more stupider, and delusional, and hopeless, and depressed, and stupid, and delusional and... and pathetic. Let's just stop after all.

Well, even though I have no romance (or romantic?) experience, I do love romance, especially romantic story. I'm a bookworm (or a mangaworm? an ebookworm? a webtoonworm? a web/lightnovelworm? lol). Basically I just read. And I love spending my time reading especially at home, alone, on rainy days, and on my bed. Such a lovely perfect day. You see, I enjoy time by my self. I barely go out. I'm neither socially active in real life nor on line. And now you find out why I don't have romance to share.

I love romance genre for reading, I still do, and I read a lot of that stuff that I've lost count of em all. But to experience it by myself is a bit....  inconceivable, I guess. I'm ugly, shy, gloomy, cold, timid, awkward, have anxiety issue, socially challenged, proud, stupid, and I should stop degrading my degraded self.

Basically, when it came to romance I'm just too pathetic. And that's what I am. Not that I complain about having no romance. So far I could do things on my own, I enjoy wandering on my own. In other words I'm fine by myself. Actually I am way too comfortable by myself that I don't feel like stepping out of this comfort zone. Let me just stop after all, I know that this topic is not gonna work. 

And it became the shortest note I've ever write. And it doesn't even make sense at all.


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